What do you think of when you think of spring? Flowers, butterflies, warmer weather, longer days, birds, spring cleaning, Easter, renewal? Yes, all of the above, but I also think of Pilates! Why? That’s easy. A key component of the Pilates equipment is springs.

Pilates apparatus such as the reformer, chair, Ped-o-Pul, and Cadillac all use springs that act as a partner in enhancing movement precision, promoting alignment, and providing resistance. All of these make Pilates a workout that can be tailored to your individual needs.


One of the principles of Pilates is precision. Using precise movement means the correct muscles are working in each exercise and you aren’t allowing dominant muscles to overwork and possibly become injured. The springs help you be precise in your movement by providing dynamic resistance. Dynamic resistance promotes more fluid and controlled movement.


Proper alignment ensures efficiency and minimizes your risk for injury. When you perform Pilates exercises, the springs assist you in keeping your pelvis and spine properly aligned. This means a stronger core and better posture. The assistance of the springs helps you understand and maintain proper alignment which is especially helpful for beginners and people recovering from injuries.


While Yoga and mat Pilates rely only on body weight, Pilates on the equipment uses the springs for resistance. The springs can be adjusted in many ways, mainly length, size, and position. Changing the springs changes how you use your muscles. The springs in a Pilates apparatus help train the muscles in ways that static weights cannot. The springs adapt to your effort – offering more resistance as they elongate and less as they contract.

Pilates, like yoga, is a mind/body workout. The springs serve as a constant reminder to maintain that connection. When you engage with the springs, you become more attuned to subtle shifts in tension, alignment, and muscle engagement. All of that is wonderful while you are working out, but what is even better is when you can apply what you learn on the Pilates equipment to your every day life.

There is nothing like a workout on the Pilates equipment!

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